Users can ask questions in a room, which need to be approved by a moderator and then can be read and upvoted by other users. Questions can be marked as answered. Asking questions can be locked per room to only allow questions at a certain time. To clear questions after or before a logical session, single questions can be deleted (“delete all” to be implemented by the client).
id: uuid,
room_id: uuid,
sender: uuid,
timestamp: Datetime,
content: String,
state: String, // 'mod_queue', 'visible', 'archived'
answered: Boolean,
is_pinned: Boolean,
score: Number,
voted: Boolean // has the current user voted on the question? Available on list actions.
There are four permissions involved with the questions API:
to be able to see questions at allroom:question.ask
to be able to ask
to be able to vote on questionsroom:question.moderate
to be able to update or delete questions, and to activate and deactivate the questions module
Room Config
To enable questions for a room, add the questions module to the room modules:
"name": "Room with questions",
"modules": [{
type: 'question',
config: {
active: true, // false by default
requires_moderation: false // true by default
## question.ask
To ask a question, send a message like this:
=> ["question.ask", 1234, {"room": "room_0", "content": "What is your favourite colour?"}]
<- ["success", 1234, {"question": {…}}]
<= ["question.created_or_updated", {"question": {…}}]
On creates and on updates, all people in the room who have the required access rights will receive a message like this:
<= ["question.created_or_updated", {"question": {…}}]
## question.update
To update a question (only permitted for moderators), send a message like this:
=> ["question.update", 1234, {"room": 123, "id": "UUID", "state": "visible"}]
<- ["success", 1234, {"question": {…}}]
<= ["question.created_or_updated", {"question": {…}}]
## question.list
Given a room ID, return all the questions that are visible to the user:
=> ["question.list", 1234, {"room": "room_0"}]
<- ["success", 1234, [{"id": }, ...]
Note that the question object has an added voted
boolean attribute denoting
if the current user has voted for this question.
Given a room ID and a question ID, users can add their vote: true
or remove it with vote: false
=> ["", 1234, {"room": "room_0", "id": 12, "vote": true}]
<- ["success", 1234, [{"id": }, ...]
## question.delete
Only moderators may delete questions. Delete notifications are broadcasted like this:
=> ["question.delete", 1234, {"room": "room_0", "id": 12}]
<- ["success", 1234, [{"id": }, ...]
<= ["question.deleted", {"room": "room_0", "id": 12}]
, question.unpin
Only moderators may pin questions, like this:
=> ["", 1234, {"room": "room_0", "id": 12}]
<- ["success", 1234, [{"id": }, ...]
<= ["question.pinned", {"room": "room_0", "id": 12}]
Unpinning doesn’t need a question ID:
=> ["question.unpin", 1234, {"room": "room_0"}]
<- ["success", 1234, [{}, ...]
<= ["question.unpinned", {"room": "room_0"}]
add moderator command
that updates the module config